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Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Business

Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Business ensures the security of corporate information network, allows you to view, monitor and protect your IT-infrastructure.

Kaspersky Endpoint Security is an integrated digital security solution for businesses, that protects devices running Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X or Linux from malware and other threats. It is centrally controlled from an online management console, and its client applications are designed for both desktop and server devices. It contains features for remote administration, remote deployment and includes strong cryptography for data encryption, with file-level encryption (FLE) and full disk encryption (FDE). It contains special features for mobile devices, allows separation of corporate data and personal data, and includes anti-theft features.

  • Kaspersky Endpoint Security | Cloud - Strong on protection. Easy on management.
  • Developed specifically for small and medium-sized businesses, Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud lets you manage security for multiple endpoints, mobile devices and file servers remotely, from anywhere.
  • Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Business | Select - Endpoint protection, controls & mobile security
  • Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Business | Advanced - World-class security – extended IT management
  • Kaspersky Total Security for Business - Our ultimate security & systems management solution
  • Kaspersky Total Security is the company's most comprehensive PC security product to date, and adds further to the features in Internet Security.
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Kaspersky Security для бизнеса


Kaspersky Security для бизнеса – новейшая линейка продуктов для обеспечения безопасности корпоративной информационной сети, предоставляющая широкий набор возможностей, которые позволят вам видеть, контролировать и защищать вашу IT-инфраструктуру.



Продуктовая линейка включает в себя несколько уровней с возрастающим функционалом. Уровни – Kaspersky Endpoint Security для бизнеса СТАРТОВЫЙ, СТАНДАРТНЫЙ, РАСШИРЕННЫЙ и Kaspersky Total Security для бизнеса – построены по модульному принципу и позволяют расширять возможности решения в соответствии с растущими потребностями бизнеса: от базовой защиты рабочих мест от вредоносного ПО до безопасности каждого узла сети. Кроме того, многие из представленных решений могут быть приобретены отдельно. Таким образом, компании, желающие установить дополнительную защиту лишь на определенные узлы сети, могут сделать это без лишних затрат.



Линейка Kaspersky Security для бизнеса позволяет выбрать именно то решение, которое нужно вашей организации, чтобы вы могли контролировать рабочие места (от рабочих станций до смартфонов и виртуальных машин), серверы и интернет-шлюзы и обеспечить их надежной защитой. Наши продукты также позволяют управлять безопасностью всей вашей IT-инфраструктуры удаленно.



Единая консоль управления: администратор может наблюдать за состоянием защиты всех физических, виртуальных и мобильных устройств, а также управлять их безопасностью с помощью единой консоли администрирования.



Единая платформа: все используемые в продуктах «Лаборатории Касперского» ключевые технологии, функциональные компоненты и модули разрабатываются внутри компании на собственной технологической базе.Благодаря этому растет эффективность, снижается нагрузка на систему и повышается стабильность работы приложений.



Единая лицензия: вы не получаете несколько отдельных решений в рамках одной покупки — вы приобретаете единое комплексное решение, которое вы можете гибко настраивать в соответствии со своими бизнес-целями.



Kaspersky Endpoint Security для бизнеса — СТАРТОВЫЙ



Это идеальный вариант для заказчиков, которым необходима только защита от вредоносного ПО. Единая консоль управления Kaspersky Security Center с интуитивно понятным интерфейсом дополняет все наши решения для рабочих станций.



Kaspersky Endpoint Security для бизнеса — СТАНДАРТНЫЙ



Список средств защиты в решении уровня СТАНДАРТНЫЙ включает средства обеспечения безопасности рабочих станций и файловых серверов, динамические белые списки, а также средства контроля программ, устройств и веб-ресурсов. В него также входят инструменты для защиты мобильных устройств и управления ими. Если потребности вашего бизнеса включают защиту мобильных сотрудников и применение политик IT-безопасности, то вам подойдет решение уровня СТАНДАРТНЫЙ.



Kaspersky Endpoint Security для бизнеса — РАСШИРЕННЫЙ



На уровне РАСШИРЕННЫЙ «Лаборатория Касперского» добавила ко всем вышеперечисленным функциям шифрование данных. Еще одна новая разработка «Лаборатории Касперского»  средство системного администрирования — обеспечивает безопасность и одновременно повышает производительность IT-инфраструктуры. Такой широкий набор функций и полезных инструментов позволяет:


  • создавать и хранить образы систем и осуществлять их удаленное развертывание;
  • устанавливать приоритет устранения уязвимостей в аппаратном и программном обеспечении благодаря эффективному сочетанию мониторинга уязвимостей и интеллектуального управления установкой исправлений;
  • контролировать использование лицензий на программное обеспечение с помощью модуля управления лицензиями;
  • задавать политики доступа к данным и IT-инфраструктуре для пользователей и гостей с помощью средства контроля доступа в сеть (NAC);
  • удаленно развертывать и устанавливать программы и обновления на компьютеры пользователей с помощью единой централизованной консоли администрирования.


Kaspersky Total Security для бизнеса



Наш флагманский продукт — Kaspersky Total Security для бизнеса — включает в себя возможности всех предыдущих уровней и дополнительно укрепляет безопасность вашей IT-инфраструктуры с помощью средств для защиты почтовых серверов, интернет-шлюзов и серверов совместной работы. Это идеальное решение для организаций с высокими требованиями к IT-безопасности, которым нужна надежная защита каждого узла сети.





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Kaspersky Security для виртуальных сред

Kaspersky Security для виртуальных сред Для защиты виртуальных серверов и инфраструктуры виртуальных рабочих станций «Лаборатория Касперского» предлагает единое решение Kaspersky Security для виртуальных сред. Оно поддерживает наиболее распространенные платформы виртуализации, в том числе VMware vSphere, Citrix XenServer, Microsoft Hyper-V и KVM, и потому идеально подходит для современных центров обработки данных, построенных сразу на нескольких платформах. Решение включает два различных подхода, которые можно задействовать одновременно на разных участках вашей инфраструктуры.
  • Agentless - Защита без агента. Выделенное виртуальное устройство безопасности выполняет задачи файловой проверки и сетевой защиты
  • Light Agent - Легкий агент. Обеспечивает многоуровневую защиту и сохраняет высокий уровень производительности
  • Single console - Единая консоль. Управление системой защиты физических и виртуальных сред, а также мобильных устройств
Если вы доверите защиту виртуальной среды решению Kaspersky Security для виртуальных сред с защитой без агента, вам понадобится установить лишь один экземпляр защитного ПО на виртуальном хосте – это обеспечит защиту всех виртуальных машин, работающих на нём. Kaspersky Security для виртуальных сред с Легким агентом обеспечивает защиту гипервизоров KVM, Microsoft Hyper-V и Citrix XenServer с установкой всего одного виртуального устройства на каждом виртуальном хосте и одного легкого агента на каждой виртуальной машине. Поскольку наш Легкий агент работает и под VMware, вы можете выбрать, какое решение лучше подходит для различных участков вашей VMware-среды: Защита без агента — эффективная защита виртуальных серверов Легкий агент — надёжная защита виртуализированных рабочих мест (VDI) и критически важных серверов Централизованное управление экономит время Kaspersky Security для виртуальных сред включает в себя Kaspersky Security Center — приложение, серьезно сокращающее время, которое тратится на управление безопасностью. Оно включает единую консоль управления, с помощью которой вы можете централизованно управлять безопасностью на всех ваших виртуальных машинах. Если при этом вы пользуетесь другими решениями «Лаборатории Касперского», консоль позволит централизованно управлять безопасностью всех конечных устройств и серверов: рабочих станций, ноутбуков, мобильных устройств и виртуальных машин.
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Kaspersky Total Security

Keeps you safe from viruses, attacks, fraud, spyware, cybercrime and more Secures PC, Mac, Android, iPhone and iPad – with just one product & one license Protects you privacy & personal data – against phishing, tracking & spying Automatically adds extra security when you are online shopping or banking Securely stores website & account passwords – for easy access from all your devices Range of functions depends on the type of device being used Anti-malware Installation Assistant Two-Way Firewall Private Browsing Secure Connection Safer Networking Application Control New! Software Cleaner Improved Safe Money Safe surfing System Watcher & Anti-Blocker Network Attack Blocker Improved! Anti-Banner Anti-Spam Advanced Anti-Phishing Webcam Protection Secure Keyboard On-Screen Keyboard Privacy Protection Kaspersky Password Manager - Premium Backup, Encryption & File Shredder Online backup Kaspersky Safe Kids – Premium Multi-Device Security Anti-Theft Simplified Web Management Software Update Safety checks Automatic Exploit Prevention FREE, Automatic Updates Security Optimized for Performance Technical support  SECURITY – Keeps you safe from viruses, spyware & more You depend on your computers, tablets and phones for so many things – so you need to protect them all against the very latest digital dangers. Our award-winning, cloud-assisted security helps you protect against infections & attacks, blocks banners & spam, keeps software up-to-date and warns you about dangerous websites – before they’re clicked.  PC, MAC & MOBILE – One license protects your multiple devices Every device you use could be compromising your security – so you need to secure them all… PC, Mac, iPhone, iPad and Android. With just one product – and only one license – we help you to protect all of your computers and mobile devices… plus you can lock, wipe & locate missing Android phones & tablets  PRIVACY – Protects your privacy and personal information Because all your devices are capable of storing a lot of sensitive, personal information – that can be valuable to criminals – you need to make sure snoopers and phishers can’t steal any confidential data. We’ll help you guard your personal data, prevent online activities being monitored, block unauthorized webcam use and protect data when any of your devices connects to a public network.  MONEY – Adds extra security for online shopping and banking Online shopping and banking are everyday activities for most people – but you need to make sure you aren’t caught off guard by online thieves. Our unique security technology – Safe Money – helps you to protect your money and account details… to help prevent theft.  PASSWORDS – Securely stores all passwords for quick & easy access We all know that using complex, unique passwords – for every website and online account – helps to keep us secure… but remembering all those passwords can be quite a task. Now, there’s no need to remember every complex password for every website and account. Each user only needs to remember their one master password – and they can access all their individual passwords from their PC, Mac, Android phone & tablet, iPhone and iPad.  FILES – Safeguards precious files, photos, music & memories Nobody wants to lose irreplaceable files, photos or memories… or suffer a security breach if any sensitive data finds its way into the wrong hands. We’ll help you to create backup copies of all your precious photos, music and files. In addition, data encryption helps to ensure confidential files can’t be read if they’re accessed by criminals or unauthorized users.  PERFORMANCE – Lets devices keep performing as they’re designed to Security shouldn’t slow you down. That’s why you need rigorous security that won’t impact the performance of your computers, tablets and phones. Our protection technologies work ‘behind the scenes’ – and that means your computers and mobile devices can help you to keep up with your busy life.  SIMPLICITY – Simplifies family security with easy, online control Nobody wants to waste time getting to grips with complex security. If your family’s security software is difficult to set up and run, it could even leave their computers and mobile devices with serious security gaps. By giving you a free My Kaspersky account, we make it easy for you to manage your family’s security – across all their computers, tablets & phones – from anywhere that you can get online. You can check each device’s security & license status and adjust key security settings – plus access special offers and download free Kaspersky Lab products. My Kaspersky also gives you easy access to technical support.
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Kaspersky Virtualization Security

Kaspersky Security for Virtualization provides a single solution to secure both virtual servers and VDI. Because it supports all the most commonly used platforms – including VMware vSphere, Citrix XenServer, Microsoft Hyper-V and KVM – Kaspersky Security for Virtualization is ideal for heterogeneous environments. The solution offers two different approaches to specialized virtualization security – both of which can be run simultaneously on different parts of your infrastructure. Agentless One Security Virtual Appliance per host performs malware scanning of all VMs Light Agent A lightweight security agent on each VM significantly boosts protection Single Console A single console means that physical and virtual machines, and mobile devices, can all be managed together
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VMWare AirWatch - Enterprise Mobility Management

What AirWatch Does Manage All Endpoints in a Single Solution  AirWatch is built to manage the entire lifecycle of any endpoint, across all major operating systems in a single management console. You have various use cases spread across your business. The advantage of managing mobility with AirWatch is the ability to uniquely support these use cases within a single solution, including full device management, app-level management for BYOD or line of business use cases such as kiosk or shared devices. Support Full App Lifecycle from Development to Deployment  AirWatch supports the complete app lifecycle including sourcing or developing an app, applying security policies, deploying an app catalog and analyzing app metrics. You can seamlessly deploy any app – native, web or remote – through a single app catalog across every device with built-in single sign-on. If you’re looking to develop internal apps, AirWatch supports three approaches: AppConfig Community, VMware AirWatch Software Development Kit or app wrapping. Automate Processes and Deliver Intelligent Insights IT is consistently challenged to deliver more for the business without additional budget or resources. One of the key advantages of the AirWatch platform is our powerful automation engines that ease the strain on IT that is typically associated with initial device deployment and day-to-day mobility management.
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VMWare AirWatch - Управление корпоративными мобильными средами

Ожидается, что к 2019 году число мобильных устройств достигнет 3,5 млрд. Предприятиям, которые безопасно используют мобильность, будут иметь конкурентное преимущество - со способностью их сотрудников оставаться продуктивными - независимо от местоположения или устройства. AirWatch от VMware является мировым лидером в области решений для мобильности корпоративного класса, предлагая единственную платформу EMM с гибкостью для поддержки текущего и растущего спроса.  Функции и возможности решения VMware AirWatch® EMM:
  • Гибкость и выбор - с возможностью развертывания через облако или локально. EMM для каждого устройства, каждой операционной системы и каждого мобильного развертывания
  • Множественные варианты использования с унифицированным управлением конечными точками
  • Полная защита от устройств до центра обработки данных.
  • Масштабируемая платформа VMware легко интегрируется с существующими корпоративными системами и позволяет вашим клиентам управлять всеми устройствами, независимо от типа, платформы или собственности, с одной центральной консоли.
  • Управление конечными точками позволяет легко управлять растущим числом устройств
  • Комплексная безопасность, обеспечивающая предотвращение потери контейнеров и данных
  • Enterprise Integration для бесперебойной работы с существующей инфраструктурой и расширения этих систем на мобильных устройствах.
  • VMware AirWatch предоставляет вашим клиентам надежную платформу, которая решает проблемы, возникающие в связи с растущей мобильностью рабочей силы, и максимизирует производительность пользователей без ущерба для безопасности.
  • Мощные инструменты для удобного управления
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VMware Horizon View

VMware View is a commercial desktop-virtualization product developed by VMware, Inc. Its first two releases (2.0.0 and 2.1.0) sold under the name VMware VDM, but with the 3.0.0 release in 2008 VMware Inc. changed the name to "VMware View". "VMware View" became "Horizon View" with the launch of Horizon 6 in April 2014. VMware View provides remote-desktop capabilities to users using VMware's virtualization technology. A client desktop operating-system - typically Microsoft Windows 7, Vista or XP - runs within a virtual environment on a server. The VMware View product has a number of components which are required to provide the virtual desktops, including: VMware vSphere for Desktops (includes ESXi, VMware's hypervisor) VMware vCenter Server (management of virtualization environment) View Composer (advanced View management, with automation and cloning) View Manager (administration of the View Environment) View Client (communication between View and the desktop OS) VMware ThinApp (application virtualization) View Persona Management (user profile management) vShield Endpoint (offloaded desktop antivirus) Although VMware licenses vSphere hypervisor per physical CPU-socket, it licenses VMware View per concurrent desktop. The bundled hypervisor, vSphere for Desktops, is functionally equivalent to vSphere Enterprise Plus.
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VMWare vRealize Automation

What vRealize Automation Delivers Agility Through IT Automation Accelerate the end-to-end delivery and management of infrastructure and applications. Choice Through Flexibility Provision and manage multi-vendor, multi-cloud infrastructure and applications by leveraging new and existing infrastructure, tools and processes. Personalization Through Governance Policies Ensure that users receive the right size resources, or applications, at the appropriate service level for the jobs they need to perform. Efficiency Through Cost Containment IT Automation reduces time-consuming, manual processes and provides additional cost savings through automated reclamation of inactive resources. FEATURES Enhanced Governance Meet specific business needs at the right service level with personalized, policy-based governance. Deliver infrastructure, applications or any IT service through a IT service catalog. Flexible Cloud Deployment Choose the right cloud platform and location that meet your business needs. We support private, public and hybrid cloud deployments of all sizes. Unified Blueprint Model Model infrastructure and applications using a visual canvas with a drag-and-drop interface or entirely as code. Choose from a prebuilt content library or leverage existing configuration management tools.
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VMware vRealize Business for Cloud

What vRealize Business for Cloud Does  Understand Your Cloud Cost Track and manage your private cloud cost and public clouds spending in a single dash board. Communicate to Your Cloud Consumers Monitor cloud consumption by business groups and applications. Align IT with lines-of-business through showback. Plan Your Cloud Spending Evaluate cost efficiency across data centers, private clouds and public clouds. Optimize resource management across hybrid clouds. Get Value in Cloud Speed Get instant cost visibility through automated data collection and reference cost library for your vSphere infrastructure and public clouds. USE CASES Cloud Costing Track private and public cloud costs in a single dashboard, providing a simple-to-interpret view of cost drivers and spending efficiency. IT organizations can automatically and continuously track the cost of on-premises vSphere virtual infrastructure, as well as easily assess how much the business is spending across multiple public cloud providers and accounts. Cloud Consumption Analysis and Showback IT organizations can quickly see which business groups, applications, or services are consuming the most and least enterprise infrastructure. IT teams can also securely share cloud services allocation statements, or showback reports, with specific LOBs through role-based access to online reports. With monthly charge projections and budget tracking, the solution provides greater transparency across the business. Cloud Comparison and Planning Automating cost comparisons on current and planned workloads helps IT organizations quickly evaluate cloud options and improve decision making. IT teams can compare public clouds to private clouds and make smarter cloud purchasing decisions. The solution also provides procurement planning capability to help IT teams improve resource management.
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VMware vRealize Log Insight

Why Choose vRealize Log Insight? Promote Rapid Troubleshooting and Root Cause Analysis Delivers innovative indexing and machine learning based Intelligent Grouping, to enable high performance searching, for faster troubleshooting across physical, virtual and cloud environments. Monitor and Manage Machine Data at Scale Analyzes massive amounts of log data and delivers near real-time monitoring, search and log analytics, coupled with a dashboard for stored queries, reports and alerts. Speeds correlation of events across an entire IT environment. Create Structure from Unstructured Data Collects and automatically identifies structure in all types of machine-generated log data (application logs, network traces, configuration files, messages, performance data, system state dumps, etc.) to build a high performance index for performing analytics. Lower Operating Expenses Offers a predictable pricing model that includes unlimited data and does not require buying licenses based on peak usage and worst-case scenarios.
FEATURES Universal Log Collection and Analytics Leverage vRealize Log Insight to collect and analyze all types of machine-generated log data. Administrators can connect it to everything in their environment—operating systems (including Linux and Windows), applications, storage, firewalls, network devices or something else—for enterprise-wide visibility via log analytics. Enterprise-Class Scalability Highly scalable and designed to handle all kinds of machine generated data. In recent internal testing, Log Insight was three times faster than the leading solution in query tests across 1 billion log messages. Each node can ingest double the data per node, supporting up to 15,000 events per second, per node. Intuitive GUI & Easy Deployment An intuitive, GUI-based interface makes it easy to run simple interactive searches, as well as deep analytical queries for quick insights that provide immediate value and improved IT efficiency. vRealize Log Insight automatically chooses the best visualization for your data, saving you valuable time. Built-in vSphere Knowledge Developed by VMware experts, vRealize Log Insight comes with built-in knowledge and native support for VMware vSphere with Operations Management. You can analyze logs beyond your virtual infrastructure and use a central log management solution to analyze data from your entire IT environment. Integration With vRealize Operations Integration with the vRealize Operations platform extends operational visibility and proactive management capabilities across infrastructure and applications. It also helps you maximize ROI, by bringing unstructured data (such as log files) together with structured data (such as metrics and key performance indicators).    
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VMware vRealize Operations

USE CASES Application-aware monitoring across SDDC and multiple clouds Centralize management of SDDC and multi-cloud environments, accelerate time to value and troubleshoot smarter with native integrations, unified visibility from applications to infrastructure health and actionable insights combining metrics and logs. Unified Performance Management Get a unified operations view into applications and infrastructure health with an easy-to-use, highly scalable and extensible platform. Visualize key performance indicators and infrastructure components dependencies. Get simple actionable out-of-the-box persona-based dashboards with explanation of underlying problems and recommended corrective actions. Troubleshoot quickly with an easy to navigate and intuitive UI. Enable proactive remediation of performance problems through predictive analytics and smart alerts. Monitor applications and operating systems in one place. Customizable dashboards, reports and views enable role-based access and enable better collaboration across infrastructure, operations and applications teams. 360 Degree Troubleshooting Troubleshoot smarter with 360-degree troubleshooting using metrics and logs side-by-side and in context. Integration of vRealize Operations and vRealize Log Insight bring structured data (such as metrics and key performance indicators) and unstructured data (such as log files) together, for faster root-cause analysis. Save time and improve return on investment by using a central log management solution to analyze data across the IT environment, including virtual, physical and cloud environments. Native SDDC Integrations Operationalize and scale VMware SDDC components such as vCenter, vSAN and VMware Cloud Foundation, with native integrations. Native vSAN management provides vSAN-specific capacity monitoring, including capacity and time remaining, dedup and compression savings and reclamation opportunities. It enables centralized management of multi-site and stretched clusters with advanced troubleshooting, proactive alerting and visibility from virtual machines to disk. Open and Extensible Platform Manage large, complex heterogeneous and hybrid environments with an open and extensible architecture with scalability and resilience to support highly complex environments. Deploy domain-specific Management Packs from VMware and third-party hardware and application vendors. Application-Aware Infrastructure Management Gain insight into application-to-infrastructure dependencies through a centralized operations view. Visualize infrastructure components dependencies for applications, simplify change impact analysis and troubleshooting. Assess and analyze dependencies and uncover overlooked relationships between virtual machines and critical connections that may be missing from your disaster recovery plan. Automated and proactive workloads management Simplify and streamline operations with fully automated management of infrastructure and applications performance, while retaining full control. Automatically balance workloads, avoid contention and enable proactive detection and automatic remediation of issues and anomalies before end users are impacted. Automated Workload Balancing Automatically and continuously move and balance workloads across hosts and clusters based on business requirements. Control of the level of automation, what automated actions are taken and when these occur. Select business imperative, such as optimizing for cost, performance or utilization and then automate and schedule workload balancing, or even continue to perform manual rebalancing. Predictive DRS Avoid contention by combining predictive analytics from vRealize Operations with VMware Distributed Resource Scheduler (DRS), to calculate future contention and proactively move workloads to avoid the issue. Predictive analytics learn the normal behavior, analyzing hourly, daily and monthly patterns for every metric associated with an object including the upper and lower bound of “normal”. It uses the analytics to predict future demand and proactively prepares for increased demand by triggering move actions by DRS. Predictive Analytics and Remediation Enable proactive remediation of performance problems through predictive analytics and smart alerts, which correlate multiple symptoms into meaningful warnings and alerts. Get simple actionable explanations of underlying problems and recommended corrective actions. Remediate alerts and issues before they impact end-users with 1-click as well as fully automated actions. Cloud Planning, capacity optimization and compliance Correlate operational and cost insights to accelerate cloud planning decisions, control costs and reduce risk. Optimize cost and resource usage through capacity management, reclamation and right sizing, improve planning and forecasting and enforce IT and configuration standards. Cloud Planning Gain cost transparency for the private cloud resources, as well as across multiple public clouds to help optimize placement decisions. Evaluate the expenses of infrastructure in a private cloud environment and compare that with the cost of running the same infrastructure on other public cloud environments like Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Microsoft Azure. Correlate Business and Operational Insights Combine capacity analytics with costing information to easily understand and track how operational efficiency and capacity management drives cost efficiency. Understand cost implications of unused and underutilized capacity. Easily and accurately make hardware procurement plans with the insights into what and how many to buy. Capacity Management Reclaim overprovisioned capacity and right-size virtual machines with automated resource optimization. Intelligent capacity management and modeling eliminates the need for scripts and spreadsheets. Capacity analytics provide proactive alerting based on capacity usage and demand and deliver optimization capabilities that can help reclaim unused and overprovisioned capacity and right-size VMs to increases resource utilization. Capacity Forecasting Use flexible capacity modeling to develop resourcing strategies and what-if scenarios according to business demand as well as service level agreements (SLAs). Advanced capacity modeling provides the ability to create and save multiple “what-if” scenarios and commit these capacity models to the analytics engine to influence future capacity calculations and alerts. Capacity planning and project management capabilities extend beyond vSphere and across physical and application-level metrics, helping to increase consolidation ratios or to plan in accordance with SLAs. Configuration & Compliance Reduce risk by ensuring hardening for vSphere and all VMware SDDC components such as VSAN, NSX and vCenter. Get out-of-the box cluster, host and VM compliance dashboards and vSphere regulatory compliance templates such as PCI & HIPAA. Get an overview into SDDC health and compliance with breakdown for each product, Drill into noncompliant areas and remediate.    
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VMWARE vRealize Suite

What vRealize Suite Delivers Intelligent Operations Proactively address health, performance and capacity management of IT services across heterogeneous and hybrid cloud environments with the right cloud management tools in order to improve efficiency, performance and availability. IT Automating IT Automate the delivery and ongoing management of IT infrastructure to reduce the time it takes to respond to requests for IT resources, while improving the ongoing management of provisioned resources. Understand the cost of infrastructure options and the consumption of resources by end users in order to maximize capital spending. DevOps-Ready IT Build a cloud solution for development teams that can deliver a complete application stack and support developer choice, in the form of both API and GUI access, to resources and provision resources across a hybrid cloud. Extend the solution scope by addressing continuous delivery to further speed up application delivery. VMware offers three vRealize Suite editions that provide different functionality at various price points, making it easy to license VMware vRealize Suite to meet your specific requirements and use cases with the right cloud management tools. Standard Edition: Supports Intelligent Operations Management use cases for companies looking to improve application performance and availability via predictive analytics and smart alerts. See the Standard Edition Product Walkthrough. Advanced Edition: Supports Automated IT use cases for companies who need to accelerate the delivery of IT infrastructure services by automating delivery and ongoing management. See the Advanced Edition Product Walkthrough. Enterprise Edition: Supports DevOps-Ready IT use cases for companies with DevOps initiatives who are looking to automate the delivery and management of full application stacks. See the Enterprise Edition Product Walkthrough. Upgrades to vRealize Suite can be purchased for vRealize Operations, vRealize Automation, vRealize Log Insight, vRealize Business for Cloud Advanced, or from lower editions of vRealize Suite. Get more out of vRealize Suite with third-party integrations, adaptors and management packs. For a complete list, visit Solution Exchange.
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VMware vSphere

Use Cases:
  • What vSphere Data Center Consolidation and Business Continuity  Simplify data center operations, increase business efficiency, and decrease both CapEx and OpEx costs through virtualization.
  • Intelligent Operations Management and Automation  Add intelligent operations management and automation to your data center through vSphere with Operations Management. Monitor and manage health, spot performance bottlenecks and capacity shortfalls and rebalance workloads to enable application performance, while leveraging self-learning algorithms and predictive analytics that adapt to your environment.
  • Virtualized Big Data  Simplify your big data infrastructure management while making it more cost effective. VMware is the best platform for big data just as it is for traditional applications.
  • Enhanced App Performance and Availability  Enhance application performance and availability to boost your business productivity. Take control of resource management; load balance workloads and prioritize access to resources to ensure top performance for your most important applications. Rapidly provision and deploy workloads in your virtual environment.
  • Migrate Legacy Unix to Virtual Linux  Migrate IT legacy UNIX infrastructure to virtualized Linux. Get high performance, enhanced availability, larger VM capability and disaster recovery capabilities.
  • Support Remote
  • Offices and Branch Offices  Manage your remote offices and branch offices with little or no local IT staff. Enable rapid provisioning of servers through virtualization, minimization of host configuration drift and enhanced visibility into regulatory compliance, across multiple sites.
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VMware vSphere with Operations Management

Deploy vSphere with Operations Management 6.0 on the ESXi hypervisor architecture VMware vSphere with Operations Management 6.0 is available exclusively on the vSphere ESXi hypervisor architecture. ESXi is the latest hypervisor architecture and users can upgrade to ESXi from ESX as part of an upgrade to vSphere with Operations Management 6.0.
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VMware vSphere® Metro Storage Cluster (vMSC)

VMware vSphere® Metro Storage Cluster (vMSC) is a specific configuration within the VMware Hardware Compatibility List (HCL). These configurations are commonly referred to as stretched storage clusters or metro storage clusters and are implemented in environments where disaster and downtime avoidance is a key requirement. This best practices document was developed to provide additional insight and information for operation of a vMSC infrastructure in conjunction with VMware vSphere. This paper explains how vSphere handles specific failure scenarios, and it discusses various design considerations and operational procedures. vMSC infrastructures are implemented with a goal of reaping the same benefits that high-availability clusters provide to a local site, in a geographically dispersed model with two data centers in different locations. A vMSC infrastructure is essentially a stretched cluster. The architecture is built on the premise of extending what is defined as “local” in terms of network and storage to enable these subsystems to span geographies, presenting a single and common base infrastructure set of resources to the vSphere cluster at both sites. It in essence stretches storage and the network between sites. The primary benefit of a stretched cluster model is that it enables fully active and workload-balanced data centers to be used to their full potential while gaining the capability to migrate virtual machines (VMs) with VMware vSphere vMotion®, and VMware vSphere Storage vMotion®, between sites to enable on-demand and nonintrusive mobility of workloads. The capability of a stretched cluster to provide this active balancing of resources should always be the primary design and implementation goal. Although often associated with disaster recovery, vMSC infrastructures are not recommended as primary solutions for pure disaster recovery. Stretched cluster solutions offer the following benefits: Workload mobility • Cross-site automated load balancing • Enhanced downtime avoidance • Disaster avoidance Technical Requirements and Constraints Storage connectivity using Fibre Channel, iSCSI, NFS, and FCoE is supported. • The maximum supported network latency between sites for the VMware ESXi™ management networks is 10ms round-trip time (RTT). • vSphere vMotion, and vSphere Storage vMotion, supports a maximum of 150ms latency as of vSphere 6.0, but this is not intended for stretched clustering usage. • The maximum supported latency for synchronous storage replication links is 10ms RTT. Refer to documentation from the storage vendor because the maximum tolerated latency is lower in most cases. The most commonly supported maximum RTT is 5ms. • The ESXi vSphere vMotion network has a redundant network link minimum of 250Mbps. The storage requirements are slightly more complex. A vSphere Metro Storage Cluster requires what is in effect a single storage subsystem that spans both sites. In this design, a given datastore must be accessible—that is, be able to be read and be written to—simultaneously from both sites. Further, when problems occur, the ESXi hosts must be able to continue to access datastores from either array transparently and with no impact to ongoing storage operations. This precludes traditional synchronous replication solutions because they create a primary–secondary relationship between the active (primary) LUN where data is being accessed and the secondary LUN that is receiving replication. To access the secondary LUN, replication is stopped, or reversed, and the LUN is made visible to hosts. This “promoted” secondary LUN has a completely different LUN ID and is essentially a newly available copy of a former primary LUN. This type of solution works for traditional disaster recovery–type configurations because it is expected that VMs must be started up on the secondary site. The vMSC configuration requires simultaneous, uninterrupted access to enable live migration of running VMs between sites. The storage subsystem for a vMSC must be able to be read from and write to both locations simultaneously. All disk writes are committed synchronously at both locations to ensure that data is always consistent regardless of the location from which it is being read. This storage architecture requires significant bandwidth and very low latency between the sites in the cluster. Increased distances or latencies cause delays in writing to disk and a dramatic decline in performance. They also preclude successful vMotion migration between cluster nodes that reside in different locations. 
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