Applied control systems of projects

Applied control systems of projects
Information Technology


The company "Applied control systems of projects" was created in 2011 at the initiative of the team qualified practitioners in the field of project management. The starting point for the company's development was the development of partnerships with the world leader in the production of software for industrial enterprises by Oracle Corporation. Active cooperation with Oracle confirmed a high degree of confidence in the "Applied control systems of projects" LLC and partner status «Oracle Gold Partner». The pilot for "Applied control systems of projects" LLC started projects to implement project management methodology in the energy companies, which managed to get the first results on the automation of corporate management systems. To date, our team of professionals all have a real experience of the implementation of major construction projects in various industries in Russia and abroad. We actively use the experience of foreign companies adapted to Russian conditions during the implementation of projects and implement only proven solutions and tools. We do not stand still and we understand - in order to develop needed fresh ideas and a critical eye, so we create a work environment where young employees under the guidance of experts who have in the field of project management certifications (PMI) and software (Oracle Primavera , MS project, Spider project), practice project management in various subject areas. The geographical location of the company in the center of Siberia, can effectively interact with the customer at the sites of the projects in the Siberian and Far Eastern Federal Districts. Traditionally, these regions are strong in their industry. Today, we realize projects such industries as: Utilities and Energy; Metallurgy; Mechanical Engineering; Oil and gas; Nuclear power; Transport; Design and construction. We are ready to cooperate and open to new ideas. We live our implemented projects together with our customers from the first to the last day. We create a working system.

Supplied products

Partnership with vendors

Partner status
Partner types