

Products found: 12

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Barracuda Email Security Gateway

Provides Inbound/Outbound Filtering and Data Leak Prevention The Barracuda Email Security Gateway is an email security gateway that manages and filters all inbound and outbound email traffic to protect organizations from email-borne threats and data leaks. As a complete email management solution, the Barracuda Email Security Gateway lets organizations encrypt messages and leverage the cloud to spool email if mail servers become unavailable. The Barracuda Email Security Gateway is offered without per-user or per-feature fees, and is also available as a virtual appliance or in a public cloud environment (Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, or VMware vCloud Air). For hosted email security, see Barracuda Essentials for Email Security. Protect Against Email-Borne Threats With the Barracuda Email Security Gateway, protecting against inbound malware, spam, phishing, and Denial of Service attacks ensures that business productivity isn’t impacted by attacks through the email system. Powerful and customizable policies enable further enforcement of detailed requirements that govern inbound email messages.   Stop Threats before They Hit the Network Offload CPU-intensive tasks like antivirus and DDoS filtering to the cloud reduces the processing load on the appliance and to ensure that threats never reach the network perimeter. The Barracuda Email Security Gateway is integrated with a cloud-based service that pre-filters email before delivery to the onsite Barracuda Email Security Gateway, which performs further inbound security checks and outbound filtering.   Ensure Continuous Email Availability Email is a critical vehicle in today’s business world, therefore a failure of the email server can significantly limit business operations. With the Cloud Protection Layer, bundled free of charge with the Barracuda Email Security Gateway, email is spooled for up to 96 hours, with an option to re-direct traffic to a secondary server.   Protect Sensitive Data Leverage powerful encryption technology to ensure that sensitive data cannot be viewed by outside parties. Outbound filtering and quarantine capabilities certify that every outbound email complies with corporate DLP policies. Simple and easy to deploy configurations on the Barracuda Email Security Gateway guarantee that customized email protection is in place in a matter of minutes. Cloud-based centralized management enhances day-to-day workflow and is included with no additional fees. The affordable, all-inclusive pricing model has no per-user fees, minimizing the investment in securing your email infrastructure.
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Dr.Web Enterprise Security Suite

Criminals target personnal employees' devices they use for work as well as office PCs. Wherever a company's confidential information is stored, Dr.Web will never leave it unprotected. A single protected environment powered by Dr.Web Enterprise Security Suite has many advantages: Less expensive and streamlined protection. It's possible to control all protected computers from one location. Employees can work all over the world with the same level of protection. Guarantee of data safety (including personal data) at any given time. Reduction of downtimes caused by infection.
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ESET NOD32 Secure Enterprise

ESET NOD32 Secure Enterprise – комплексное кроссплатформенное решение, которое надежно защищает каждый узел корпоративной сети и позволяет централизованно подойти к вопросу обеспечения безопасности на всех уровнях системы в организациях любого масштаба. Гибкая система лицензирования предоставляет возможность собрать комплекс безопасности под задачи каждой компании с учетом всех особенностей ИТ-инфраструктуры. Решение включает все типы антивирусного программного обеспечения для оптимизированной работы и эффективной защиты каждого узла сети, вне зависимости от операционной системы.
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ESET Secure Enterprise

ESET Secure Enterprise is a comprehensive cross-platform solution that protects corporate network each node and allows a centralized approach to the issue of safety at all levels of the system in organizations of all sizes. Flexible licensing system provides the ability to collect security under the complex task of each company with all the features of the IT infrastructure. The solution includes all types of anti-virus software to optimize performance and effective protection of each node, regardless of the operating system.    
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Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Business

Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Business ensures the security of corporate information network, allows you to view, monitor and protect your IT-infrastructure.

Kaspersky Endpoint Security is an integrated digital security solution for businesses, that protects devices running Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X or Linux from malware and other threats. It is centrally controlled from an online management console, and its client applications are designed for both desktop and server devices. It contains features for remote administration, remote deployment and includes strong cryptography for data encryption, with file-level encryption (FLE) and full disk encryption (FDE). It contains special features for mobile devices, allows separation of corporate data and personal data, and includes anti-theft features.

  • Kaspersky Endpoint Security | Cloud - Strong on protection. Easy on management.
  • Developed specifically for small and medium-sized businesses, Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud lets you manage security for multiple endpoints, mobile devices and file servers remotely, from anywhere.
  • Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Business | Select - Endpoint protection, controls & mobile security
  • Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Business | Advanced - World-class security – extended IT management
  • Kaspersky Total Security for Business - Our ultimate security & systems management solution
  • Kaspersky Total Security is the company's most comprehensive PC security product to date, and adds further to the features in Internet Security.
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Kaspersky Security для бизнеса


Kaspersky Security для бизнеса – новейшая линейка продуктов для обеспечения безопасности корпоративной информационной сети, предоставляющая широкий набор возможностей, которые позволят вам видеть, контролировать и защищать вашу IT-инфраструктуру.



Продуктовая линейка включает в себя несколько уровней с возрастающим функционалом. Уровни – Kaspersky Endpoint Security для бизнеса СТАРТОВЫЙ, СТАНДАРТНЫЙ, РАСШИРЕННЫЙ и Kaspersky Total Security для бизнеса – построены по модульному принципу и позволяют расширять возможности решения в соответствии с растущими потребностями бизнеса: от базовой защиты рабочих мест от вредоносного ПО до безопасности каждого узла сети. Кроме того, многие из представленных решений могут быть приобретены отдельно. Таким образом, компании, желающие установить дополнительную защиту лишь на определенные узлы сети, могут сделать это без лишних затрат.



Линейка Kaspersky Security для бизнеса позволяет выбрать именно то решение, которое нужно вашей организации, чтобы вы могли контролировать рабочие места (от рабочих станций до смартфонов и виртуальных машин), серверы и интернет-шлюзы и обеспечить их надежной защитой. Наши продукты также позволяют управлять безопасностью всей вашей IT-инфраструктуры удаленно.



Единая консоль управления: администратор может наблюдать за состоянием защиты всех физических, виртуальных и мобильных устройств, а также управлять их безопасностью с помощью единой консоли администрирования.



Единая платформа: все используемые в продуктах «Лаборатории Касперского» ключевые технологии, функциональные компоненты и модули разрабатываются внутри компании на собственной технологической базе.Благодаря этому растет эффективность, снижается нагрузка на систему и повышается стабильность работы приложений.



Единая лицензия: вы не получаете несколько отдельных решений в рамках одной покупки — вы приобретаете единое комплексное решение, которое вы можете гибко настраивать в соответствии со своими бизнес-целями.



Kaspersky Endpoint Security для бизнеса — СТАРТОВЫЙ



Это идеальный вариант для заказчиков, которым необходима только защита от вредоносного ПО. Единая консоль управления Kaspersky Security Center с интуитивно понятным интерфейсом дополняет все наши решения для рабочих станций.



Kaspersky Endpoint Security для бизнеса — СТАНДАРТНЫЙ



Список средств защиты в решении уровня СТАНДАРТНЫЙ включает средства обеспечения безопасности рабочих станций и файловых серверов, динамические белые списки, а также средства контроля программ, устройств и веб-ресурсов. В него также входят инструменты для защиты мобильных устройств и управления ими. Если потребности вашего бизнеса включают защиту мобильных сотрудников и применение политик IT-безопасности, то вам подойдет решение уровня СТАНДАРТНЫЙ.



Kaspersky Endpoint Security для бизнеса — РАСШИРЕННЫЙ



На уровне РАСШИРЕННЫЙ «Лаборатория Касперского» добавила ко всем вышеперечисленным функциям шифрование данных. Еще одна новая разработка «Лаборатории Касперского»  средство системного администрирования — обеспечивает безопасность и одновременно повышает производительность IT-инфраструктуры. Такой широкий набор функций и полезных инструментов позволяет:


  • создавать и хранить образы систем и осуществлять их удаленное развертывание;
  • устанавливать приоритет устранения уязвимостей в аппаратном и программном обеспечении благодаря эффективному сочетанию мониторинга уязвимостей и интеллектуального управления установкой исправлений;
  • контролировать использование лицензий на программное обеспечение с помощью модуля управления лицензиями;
  • задавать политики доступа к данным и IT-инфраструктуре для пользователей и гостей с помощью средства контроля доступа в сеть (NAC);
  • удаленно развертывать и устанавливать программы и обновления на компьютеры пользователей с помощью единой централизованной консоли администрирования.


Kaspersky Total Security для бизнеса



Наш флагманский продукт — Kaspersky Total Security для бизнеса — включает в себя возможности всех предыдущих уровней и дополнительно укрепляет безопасность вашей IT-инфраструктуры с помощью средств для защиты почтовых серверов, интернет-шлюзов и серверов совместной работы. Это идеальное решение для организаций с высокими требованиями к IT-безопасности, которым нужна надежная защита каждого узла сети.





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Kaspersky Security для виртуальных сред

Kaspersky Security для виртуальных сред Для защиты виртуальных серверов и инфраструктуры виртуальных рабочих станций «Лаборатория Касперского» предлагает единое решение Kaspersky Security для виртуальных сред. Оно поддерживает наиболее распространенные платформы виртуализации, в том числе VMware vSphere, Citrix XenServer, Microsoft Hyper-V и KVM, и потому идеально подходит для современных центров обработки данных, построенных сразу на нескольких платформах. Решение включает два различных подхода, которые можно задействовать одновременно на разных участках вашей инфраструктуры.
  • Agentless - Защита без агента. Выделенное виртуальное устройство безопасности выполняет задачи файловой проверки и сетевой защиты
  • Light Agent - Легкий агент. Обеспечивает многоуровневую защиту и сохраняет высокий уровень производительности
  • Single console - Единая консоль. Управление системой защиты физических и виртуальных сред, а также мобильных устройств
Если вы доверите защиту виртуальной среды решению Kaspersky Security для виртуальных сред с защитой без агента, вам понадобится установить лишь один экземпляр защитного ПО на виртуальном хосте – это обеспечит защиту всех виртуальных машин, работающих на нём. Kaspersky Security для виртуальных сред с Легким агентом обеспечивает защиту гипервизоров KVM, Microsoft Hyper-V и Citrix XenServer с установкой всего одного виртуального устройства на каждом виртуальном хосте и одного легкого агента на каждой виртуальной машине. Поскольку наш Легкий агент работает и под VMware, вы можете выбрать, какое решение лучше подходит для различных участков вашей VMware-среды: Защита без агента — эффективная защита виртуальных серверов Легкий агент — надёжная защита виртуализированных рабочих мест (VDI) и критически важных серверов Централизованное управление экономит время Kaspersky Security для виртуальных сред включает в себя Kaspersky Security Center — приложение, серьезно сокращающее время, которое тратится на управление безопасностью. Оно включает единую консоль управления, с помощью которой вы можете централизованно управлять безопасностью на всех ваших виртуальных машинах. Если при этом вы пользуетесь другими решениями «Лаборатории Касперского», консоль позволит централизованно управлять безопасностью всех конечных устройств и серверов: рабочих станций, ноутбуков, мобильных устройств и виртуальных машин.
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Kaspersky Total Security

Keeps you safe from viruses, attacks, fraud, spyware, cybercrime and more Secures PC, Mac, Android, iPhone and iPad – with just one product & one license Protects you privacy & personal data – against phishing, tracking & spying Automatically adds extra security when you are online shopping or banking Securely stores website & account passwords – for easy access from all your devices Range of functions depends on the type of device being used Anti-malware Installation Assistant Two-Way Firewall Private Browsing Secure Connection Safer Networking Application Control New! Software Cleaner Improved Safe Money Safe surfing System Watcher & Anti-Blocker Network Attack Blocker Improved! Anti-Banner Anti-Spam Advanced Anti-Phishing Webcam Protection Secure Keyboard On-Screen Keyboard Privacy Protection Kaspersky Password Manager - Premium Backup, Encryption & File Shredder Online backup Kaspersky Safe Kids – Premium Multi-Device Security Anti-Theft Simplified Web Management Software Update Safety checks Automatic Exploit Prevention FREE, Automatic Updates Security Optimized for Performance Technical support  SECURITY – Keeps you safe from viruses, spyware & more You depend on your computers, tablets and phones for so many things – so you need to protect them all against the very latest digital dangers. Our award-winning, cloud-assisted security helps you protect against infections & attacks, blocks banners & spam, keeps software up-to-date and warns you about dangerous websites – before they’re clicked.  PC, MAC & MOBILE – One license protects your multiple devices Every device you use could be compromising your security – so you need to secure them all… PC, Mac, iPhone, iPad and Android. With just one product – and only one license – we help you to protect all of your computers and mobile devices… plus you can lock, wipe & locate missing Android phones & tablets  PRIVACY – Protects your privacy and personal information Because all your devices are capable of storing a lot of sensitive, personal information – that can be valuable to criminals – you need to make sure snoopers and phishers can’t steal any confidential data. We’ll help you guard your personal data, prevent online activities being monitored, block unauthorized webcam use and protect data when any of your devices connects to a public network.  MONEY – Adds extra security for online shopping and banking Online shopping and banking are everyday activities for most people – but you need to make sure you aren’t caught off guard by online thieves. Our unique security technology – Safe Money – helps you to protect your money and account details… to help prevent theft.  PASSWORDS – Securely stores all passwords for quick & easy access We all know that using complex, unique passwords – for every website and online account – helps to keep us secure… but remembering all those passwords can be quite a task. Now, there’s no need to remember every complex password for every website and account. Each user only needs to remember their one master password – and they can access all their individual passwords from their PC, Mac, Android phone & tablet, iPhone and iPad.  FILES – Safeguards precious files, photos, music & memories Nobody wants to lose irreplaceable files, photos or memories… or suffer a security breach if any sensitive data finds its way into the wrong hands. We’ll help you to create backup copies of all your precious photos, music and files. In addition, data encryption helps to ensure confidential files can’t be read if they’re accessed by criminals or unauthorized users.  PERFORMANCE – Lets devices keep performing as they’re designed to Security shouldn’t slow you down. That’s why you need rigorous security that won’t impact the performance of your computers, tablets and phones. Our protection technologies work ‘behind the scenes’ – and that means your computers and mobile devices can help you to keep up with your busy life.  SIMPLICITY – Simplifies family security with easy, online control Nobody wants to waste time getting to grips with complex security. If your family’s security software is difficult to set up and run, it could even leave their computers and mobile devices with serious security gaps. By giving you a free My Kaspersky account, we make it easy for you to manage your family’s security – across all their computers, tablets & phones – from anywhere that you can get online. You can check each device’s security & license status and adjust key security settings – plus access special offers and download free Kaspersky Lab products. My Kaspersky also gives you easy access to technical support.
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Kaspersky Virtualization Security

Kaspersky Security for Virtualization provides a single solution to secure both virtual servers and VDI. Because it supports all the most commonly used platforms – including VMware vSphere, Citrix XenServer, Microsoft Hyper-V and KVM – Kaspersky Security for Virtualization is ideal for heterogeneous environments. The solution offers two different approaches to specialized virtualization security – both of which can be run simultaneously on different parts of your infrastructure. Agentless One Security Virtual Appliance per host performs malware scanning of all VMs Light Agent A lightweight security agent on each VM significantly boosts protection Single Console A single console means that physical and virtual machines, and mobile devices, can all be managed together
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McAfee Complete EndPoint Protection - Business (CEB)

Core endpoint protection McAfee Complete Endpoint Threat Protection includes anti-malware, firewall, device control, and email and web security. Powered by machine learning With integrated machine learning and dynamic application containment, detect zero-day threats in near real time, and classify and halt them before they can execute on your systems. Actionable forensic data Easy-to-read reports help you make the move from responding to outbreaks to investigating and hardening your defenses. An adaptable security framework McAfee Complete Endpoint Threat Protection is built using an extensible framework, so you can add other advanced threat defenses with ease as your security needs and the threat landscape evolve. Integrated, advanced threat defenses built with productivity in mind Automate advanced threat defenses Stay ahead of threats with reputation analysis and machine learning that evolves to pinpoint and streamline responses to zero-day threats by automatically stopping and containing greyware, ransomware, and other advanced threats. Reduce security complexity Eliminate multiple security management consoles and user interfaces. One console provides a single pane of glass to manage your environment so you can rapidly ramp up deployments and leverage cross-platform policies for Windows, Mac, and Linux environments. Build a flexible and collaborative security framework Ensure your defenses work together to defeat threats and provide actionable threat forensics. Our purpose-built framework connects multiple defenses and allows for easy adoption of new advanced security technologies as the threat landscape changes. System requirements McAfee Complete Endpoint Threat Protection is a suite that is supported on Windows, Mac, and Linux systems. For complete technical specifications for all of the products included in this suite, please review the minimum system requirements.
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McAfee Complete Endpoint Threat Protection

McAfee Complete Endpoint Threat Protection provides advanced defenses that investigate, contain, and provide actionable insights to combat zero-day threats and sophisticated attacks.

Core endpoint protection, including anti-malware, firewall, device control, email and web security works together with machine learning and dynamic application containment to detect zero-day threats in near real time, and classify and halt them before they can execute on your systems. Actionable forensic data and easy-to-read reports keep you informed and help you make the move from responding to outbreaks, to investigating and hardening your defenses. And, because McAfee Complete Endpoint Threat Protection is built using an extensible framework, you can add other advanced threat defenses with ease as your security needs and the threat landscape evolve.

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Proofpoint Email Protection


Dynamically classify impostor email (BEC) other threats that don't involve malware. These low volume, hard-to-detect threats have cost businesses more than $2.3 billion and cannot be detected by solutions that detect only malware. We detect and classify impostor email through a combination of authentication (DMARC), pre-defined rules, and dynamic classification. Our technology actively assesses the reputation of the sender for accurate protection without additional administration overhead.

We analyze:

  • Sender-recipient relationship
  • Domain reputation
  • Email headers and envelope attributes
  • Email content

Granular filtering and control

Email Protection can control all aspects of inbound and outbound email. Our policy engine gives you complete flexibility. Custom rules support global, group and user-level controls to meet the needs of even the most complex enterprise. Individual quarantines enable you to separate email types to allow your people to access their email digest and quarantine while keeping malicious emails away. Quarantines include:

  • Spam
  • Impostor
  • Bulk
  • Phishing
  • Malware
  • Adult
  • Low Priority

Detailed visibility

Email Protection gives you a wealth of data and search tools. Our advanced message tracing features a high-performance search engine to help you quickly pinpoint hard-to-find log data based on dozens of search criteria. With more than 60 real-time reports for detailed visibility into mail flow and trends, Email Protection provides the data that can help address issues and trends as they emerge. Give your people self-service control over their email preferences such as:

  • Quarantines
  • Safe and block lists
  • Bulk mail delivery

These services are also easy to brand, providing familiarity for users who access these tools. And with support for numerous languages, you can deploy them globally. More than 90% of targeted attacks start with email, and these security threats are always evolving. Proofpoint Email Protection provides multiple layers of security to stop malware and non-malware threats, such as email fraud. It can control all aspects of inbound and outbound email to detect and block threats, and prevent confidential information from getting into the wrong hands.

Features and Benefits

  • Advanced Email Filtering, Control and Visibility. Email Protection allows you to set up robust policies as a first step in routing email to users. You can create detailed firewall rules based on your needs. Even set up policies for anti-virus. We also leverage user bulk mail actions to improve accuracy of future detection and classification. With a wealth of data and search tools, you can ensure your organization's email is protected.
  • Impostor Email Threat Protection. Imposter attacks are hard to detect. Our Stateful Composite Scoring Service (SCSS) is a machine learning approach that searches specifically for these email threats. It uses what’s known about your unique environment, along with data from all Proofpoint customers, to more effectively detect and block email fraud. 
  • Internal Mail Defense. As organization move to cloud-based email services, compromised accounts are on the rise. Internal Mail Defense can automatically scan all internal email traffic, providing a multilayered approach to looking for such things as spam, malware or phishing attacks being sent via compromised accounts. It removes these emails and provides reporting to shows which accounts have been compromised.
  • Email Continuity. Email downtime can be a significant hit to worker productivity. Enterprise Continuity ensures email is always available, even if your company email is down. It provides full access to users—via Outlook integration, a web portal or native mobile support. And it automatically activates in an outage, with fully automated recovery.  
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