

Products found: 6

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Oracle Database

Oracle Database Enterprise Edition will greatly benefit customers deploying private database clouds and SaaS vendors looking for the power of Oracle Database in a secure and isolated multi tenant model Oracle Database Enterprise Edition provides comprehensive features to manage the most demanding transaction processing, big data, and data warehouse workloads Oracle Database 18c is the latest generation of the world's most popular database is now available on Oracle Exadata and Oracle Database Cloud.  It's the first annual release in Oracle's new database software release model, and is a core component of Oracle's recently announced Autonomous Database Cloud.
  • Oracle Cloud Database Services
  • Private Database Cloud
  • Private (on-prem) Database Cloud
  • Consolidating databases with Oracle Multitenant
  • Oracle Multitenant
  • In-memory optimizations for real time analytics
  • Simplify Big Data integration and analysis
  • Maximum Availability Architecture
  • Streamline Database Application Development
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Oracle Database Cloud Service

  • Fast. Oracle Database in highly available and scalable configurations rapidly provisioned and ready for use in minutes.
  • Simple. Oracle Database with administration fully managed by Oracle or under your control with one-click built in automation. Supports modern agile development with RESTful APIs for quick, automated and repeatable use.
  • Elastic. Add capacity on-demand and scale OLTP and Data Warehouse workloads as your business grows from startup to the largest enterprise.
  • Choice. Shared, dedicated, virtualized, bare metal (coming soon) and engineered deployment targets to optimize cost in a pay per need model.
  • Secure. Security on Oracle Cloud protects the entire lifecycle of data both in transit and at rest. Database access is monitored and recorded for audit and control at all times.
Database Cloud Services Oracle Cloud provides several Oracle Cloud Service deployment choices. These choices allow you to start at the cost and capability level suitable to your use case and then gives you the flexibility to adapt as your requirements change over time. Choices include: single schemas, dedicated pluggable databases, virtualized databases, bare metal databases and databases running on world class engineered infrastructure. Oracle offers general purpose and high memory compute shapes to provide the full power of the Oracle Database in the cloud for any type of application. You can use all standard network connections and have administrative control. Database
  • Database version. Dedicated database instances with Oracle Database 11g, 12.1 and 12.2, with your choice of Standard, Enterprise, High Performance, or Extreme Performance packaging.
  • Service Packaging. Standard and Enterprise packages include their respective on-premises capabilities and add Transparent Data Encryption. High Performance adds all database options excluding: RAC, In-Memory and Active Data Guard. Extreme Performance includes all options.
  • Database Containerization. Oracle Database 12c includes the Oracle Multitenant option for managing Pluggable Databases.
  • DevOps. Test Master creation with sensitive data masking. Clone creation and life cycle management for agile development.
Data Access
  • Administrative Access. Administrative access via SSH, SQL Developer, Data Pump, SQL*Plus and other tools.
  • Data Access. Use any available Oracle client language library including: Oracle Net (SQL*Net), JDBC, JSON, and other drivers to access your dedicated instances.
  • Tools. Use Enterprise Manager, SQL Developer, Application Express, or other Oracle or third party tools
  • Secure Network Access. IPsec VPN option for secure access.
  • Scaling. Control storage and compute scaling thru web console (or REST API). Burst from subscription to metered compute to cost effectively handle peak workloads.
  • Security. Use the Compute Service's web console (or REST API) to manage security rules and IPsec lists for flexible, enterprise-level network security. Leverage all Oracle Database defense in depth security capabilities for complete data security.
  • Patching and Upgrade. Use patching automation tools built into the web console (or REST API) for easy application of Database quarterly patches. Use simple migration processes to validate upgrades.
  • Backup Options. Schedule backup automation to fast local storage, the Oracle Cloud Object Store or both. Instantiate new services from backup copies for development and test.
Elastic Elastic Resources. Add or remove compute resources, memory or storage as needed
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Oracle Database Enterprise Edition

Oracle Database Enterprise Edition will greatly benefit customers deploying private database clouds and SaaS vendors looking for the power of Oracle Database in a secure and isolated multi tenant model Oracle Database Enterprise Edition provides comprehensive features to manage the most demanding transaction processing, big data, and data warehouse workloads Customers can choose a wide range of Oracle Database Enterprise Edition options to deliver on business users’ performance, security, big data, cloud, and availability service-level expectations
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Oracle Identity and Access Management

Oracle’s complete, integrated, next-generation identity management platform provides breakthrough scalability with an industry-leading suite of identity management solutions. Reduce operational costs. Achieve rapid compliance with regulatory mandates. Secure sensitive applications and data—regardless of whether they are hosted on premises or in the cloud.
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Tarantool IIoT (Mail.Ru Group)

In Tarantool IIoT, data is transmitted via a replication mechanism provided by the Tarantool DBMS, which ensures safe data delivery even in complicated cases - for example, when unreliable channels are used and data is sent and received by the cheapest local minicomputers acting as IIoT hubs. Unlike most of industrial-level DBMSs, which place high demands on disk space, disk and memory performance and number of CPU cores and which work slowly, Tarantool IIoT can be installed even on moderately priced ($30-50) minicomputers, where it demonstrates high processing speed of around 10,000-50,000 transactions per second. Moreover, the platform can gather data from millions of sensors and supports popular protocols for working with them. Mail.Ru Group’s product can be used in multiple areas. For example, factories can gather data with Tarantool IIoT and analyze it for insights into the state of equipment, predict breakdowns and minimize idle time, thus saving millions in potential loss. Agricultural organizations can use Tarantool IIoT to identify problems with plants and take timely action. The platform can even be shipped to large retail chains that can take advantage of eye-tracking technologies and, based on data from motion sensors, analyze eye movement patterns of their customers. This helps optimize the arrangement of goods and the space between shelves. “Tarantool IIoT expands the IT landscape beyond data centers to include industrial sites. Our DBMS allows easily gathering data and delivering it to OLAP systems, even if sources of this data are located on the premises and do not support most commonplace Internet protocols,” says Dennis Anikin, Engineering Director of Email & Cloud Services at Mail.Ru Group. “Once a company buys a proprietary solution, it effectively gets enslaved by the vendor: it cannot be replaced, you have to pay for each update and making custom changes to the solution is difficult and costly. We firmly believe that our platform will be a worthy competitor to such “closed” solutions thanks to its flexibility and cost reduction opportunities that it offers. Since Tarantool IIoT is a fully-programmable and distributed platform based on an open-source solution, it is easy to customize it to meet business needs, which, in its turn, allows cutting production costs.” Tarantool DBMS is developed by Mail.Ru Group and has been used in-house for almost nine years. It combines high processing speed typical of caching solutions (like Memcached or Redis) with the reliability of such industrial-level systems as Oracle, MySQL and PostgreSQL. It is open-source software distributed under the BSD license. Internal benchmarks run by Mail.Ru Group show that Tarantool is capable of processing one million transactions per second on the cheapest single-core commodity server. According to Mail.Ru Group’s internal report, one server running Tarantool can substitute 30 servers running a regular DBMS. Tarantool boasts a number of successful implementations by some of the largest Russian and international companies including VimpelCom, Yota, Badoo, Avito, QIWI and Wallarm.
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Tarantool IIoT от Mail.Ru Group

Передача данных в Tarantool IIoT (Industrial Internet of Things) осуществляется с помощью механизма репликации, предоставляемого СУБД Tarantool. Этот способ гарантирует надежную доставку данных даже в сложных случаях — например, когда для работы используется ненадежный интернет-канал, а для приема и пересылки информации в качестве IIoT-хаба применяются самые дешевые локальные миникомпьютеры.  В отличие от большинства промышленных СУБД, которые требовательны к объему дискового пространства, производительности дисков и памяти, количеству ядер на процессорах и работают медленно, Tarantool IIoT может устанавливаться даже на недорогие миникомпьютеры стоимостью 30–50 долларов.  При этом СУБД Mail.Ru Group обеспечивает на этих недорогих устройствах высокую скорость работы — до 10-50 тысяч транзакций в секунду. Кроме того, продукт способен собирать информацию с миллионов датчиков и поддерживает популярные протоколы для работы с ними. Разработка Mail.Ru Group может применяться в различных отраслях. Например, заводы, собирая данные с помощью Tarantool IIoT и анализируя их, смогут судить о техническом состоянии машин и агрегатов, предсказывать поломки и уменьшать время простоя, избегая таким образом многомиллионных финансовых потерь. Сельскохозяйственные организации смогут применять Tarantool IIoT для выявления порчи растений и своевременного реагирования. Продукт может также поставляться в крупные розничные сети, где на основе информации от датчиков движения и eye-tracking можно следить за траекторией движения и направлением взгляда покупателей. Это позволит оптимизировать расположение товаров на полках и пространство между стеллажами. «Tarantool IIoT расширяет границы IT-ландшафта предприятия за пределы дата-центров, на индустриальные площадки. Наша СУБД позволяет легко собирать информацию и доставлять ее в аналитические системы, даже если источники этой информации расположены локально на предприятиях и не поддерживают общепринятые интернет-протоколы, – говорит Денис Аникин, технический директор почтовых и облачных сервисов Mail.Ru Group. – Приобретая проприетарное решение, компания фактически попадает на крючок к вендору: его невозможно сменить, платить приходится за каждый апдейт, при этом вносить какие-либо изменения в продукт сложно и дорого. Мы уверены, что наша программная платформа сможет составить достойную конкуренцию подобным «закрытым» решениям за счет гибкости и экономии, которые она обеспечивает. Поскольку Tarantool IIoT — полностью программируемая и расширяемая платформа, построенная на opensource-решении, его легко кастомизировать в соответствии с потребностями бизнеса — а это, в свою очередь, позволяет снизить стоимость средств производства». СУБД Tarantool — собственная разработка Mail.Ru Group, которая используется в компании около девяти лет. Она сочетает высокую скорость обработки запросов, характерную для систем кэширования (например, Memcached и Redis) c надежностью таких промышленных решений, как Oracle, MySQL и PostgreSQL. Tarantool выложена в открытый доступ под лицензией BSD. Согласно результатам внутреннего тестирования Mail.Ru Group, ее производительность составляет миллион транзакций в секунду на одном ядре простейшего commodity-сервера. Один сервер с Tarantool способен заменить более 30 серверов с классической СУБД (по внутренним данным Mail.Ru Group). Tarantool успешно внедрена в ряде крупных российских и международных компаний, среди которых ПАО «ВымпелКом»,Yota, Badoo, Avito, QIWI и Wallarm.
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