Forcepoint Email Security

Problems that solves

Unaurthorized access to corporate IT systems and data

Malware infection via Internet, email, storage devices

Insufficient risk management

Risk of data loss or damage

Risk of lost access to data and IT systems

Non-compliant with IT security requirements


Ensure Security and Business Continuity

Manage Risks

Enhance Staff Productivity

Forcepoint Email Security

Forcepoint Email Security identifies targeted attacks, high-risk users and insider threats, while empowering mobile workers and the safe adoption of new technologies like Office 365 and Box Enterprise


Forcepoint’s Advanced Classification Engine (ACE) is at the heart of all Forcepoint solutions. ACE identifies malicious lures, exploit kits, emerging threats, botnet communications and other advanced threat activity across the Kill Chain. This enables Forcepoint Email Security to identify the early stages of an attack. It can even identify Zero-day malware threats using powerful assessment capabilities that include fully-integrated, file behavioral sandboxing. To prepare for a malicious insider threat or the potentially successful cyberattack, it’s vital that outbound communications be monitored. This is also necessary both for data theft compliance needs as well as for business requirements. Only Forcepoint provides the technology to stop data infiltration and exfiltration with capabilities such as:
  • OCR (Optical Character Recognition) scanning to identify sensitive data hidden in images such as scanned documents or screen shots.
  • Encrypted file detection to recognize custom encrypted files designed to defy identification.
  • Drip data loss prevention (DLP) monitoring to identify where sensitive data is leaked in small quantities over time.
  • Advanced analysis of malicious files and macros typically embedded in with MS Office files.
IT departments are strained to maintain current systems while supporting an increasingly mobile workforce and the demands to adopt new technologies like Office 365. Forcepoint Email Security provides industry-leading capabilities that leverage systems and other information to control communications, such as preventing total access to sensitive email attachments on vulnerable mobile devices, while permitting full access on fully-secured laptops. These inbound and outbound defenses are all supported on Office 365. The rich data collections in Forcepoint Email Security are used by a number of policies to report and identify systems that may require special IT attention. They generate a report on Indicators of Compromise to identify infected systems, and more proactive reports on suspicious behavior, including potential insider threats, such as “disgruntled employee” activity. User feedback capabilities educate employees as mistakes are made, helping them to better learn and understand safe email best practices.

User features

Organizational Features

Internet access is available for employees