De Novo Cloud

Problems that solves

Shortage of inhouse IT resources

Decentralized IT systems


Reduce Costs

Ensure Security and Business Continuity

Manage Risks

De Novo Cloud

With De Novo Cloud services you get dedicated virtual private cloud, along with the complete package of IT infrastructure services and tools to build your own adaptable, agile, cost-efficient and always up-to-date and up-to-task IT infrastructure. CPU, core memory and storage of various classes Wide range of solutions for cloud infrastructure management Comprehensive administrator console for dedicated resource administration


De Novo Cloud is designed according to Trusted Cloud concept, which means: Multilevel security protection Implementation of custom code and data protection solutions All the security tools used in mature corporate infrastructures are also used in De Novo Cloud Explore the future IT infrastructure De Novo Commercial Cloud offers enterprise-class cloud services within IaaS model (Infrastructure as a Service) and provides you with computing resources for: Test and development environment Productive IT-services Backup data center Hybrid cloud Cloud storage for archives and backup copies De Novo Cloud computing infrastructure brings you: Enhanced disaster recovery Low maintenance (which is performed by the Datacenter maintenance team without any interruptions in service). Advanced scalability. Ability to rapidly change the volume of allocated resources on demand. Operating environment management automation. De Novo cloud services are provided for corporate customers according to IaaS-model (Infrastructure-as-a-Service). When compared to other IaaS providers, including the world-leading ones, De Novo can stand its ground due to high reliability, professional technical support, availability guarantees as well as resources complying with Complex Data Protection Systems  standards. De Novo is financially responsible for the availability guarantees as of your SLA (Service Level Agreement). De Novo cloud services are ahead of the curve with the availability guarantees, technical support quality, the security toolkit applied as well as Trusted Cloud concept.