Avast Antivirus

Problems that solves

No unified email system

Decentralized IT systems

Inability to forecast execution timelines


Ensure Security and Business Continuity

Reduce Production Timelines

Increase Customer Base

Avast Antivirus

Avast Antivirus is a family of antivirus programs developed by Avast for the Windows , Mac OS , Android, and iOS operating systems . Includes free and commercial versions of products that provide com


Avast Antivirus  is a family of antivirus programs developed by Avast for the Windows , Mac OS , Android, and iOS operating systems . Includes free and commercial versions of products that provide computer security and protection against malware , spyware and trojan horses , as well as other types of cyber threats, including adware , worms and phishing .

As of 2017, it is the most popular antivirus in the world , having the largest market share among antivirus programs. 

The name Avast is short for "AntiVirus Advanced SeT" ("Advanced Antivirus Suite"). The fact that in the old English slang the word avast means “stop” was noted later.

Transaction Features

Partner average discount

Deal protection

Average deal size

Average deal closing time

Scheme of work

 Scheme of work

Competitive products

User features

Roles of Interested Employees

IT Security and Risk Management

Chief Sales Officer

Chief Technical Officer

Organizational Features

Web-based customer portal

Certification requirements for products in country

Internet access is available for employees

Complementary Categories

Portrable PC

Desktop PC

Pen Tablets