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SHoP Architects uses Autodesk BIM solutions to design a hub for innovation in Africa. LOCATION New York, NY SOFTWARE Autodesk® Building Design Suite Ultimate Autodesk® Revit® Architecture Autodesk® Revit® Structure Autodesk® 3ds Max® Design Autodesk® Ecotect® Analysis Project Summary New York-based SHoP Architects has made a name for itself—and its designs—since its founding in 1996. Winner of numerous awards, including the 2009 National Design Award for Architecture from the National Design Museum, the firm seeks to design buildings that are exciting, evocative, and highly functional. A longtime user of Building Information Modeling (BIM), SHoP explores its ideas in 3D with the BIM solutions in the Autodesk® Building Design Suite Ultimate edition. The Botswana Innovation Hub provides an excellent example of both SHoP’s approach to design and the use of BIM to further innovative projects. Located in Gabarone, Botswana, the Botswana Innovation Hub will serve as a 350,000-square-foot office and research center. “The Hub is part of the government of Botswana’s effort to support that nation’s increasingly diverse economy,” says William Sharples, a principal with SHoP. “The building is designed to attract the attention of potential tenants and provide the things innovators need from office and research spaces. Using Autodesk BIM solutions, we were able to explore ideas in the form of 3D models with the client and engineers. BIM helped us use the power of visualization to bridge time and distance.” The Challenge A landlocked country in southern Africa, Botswana gained its independence in 1966. Over the country’s short history, it has gone from being one of the poorest countries in the world to one of the most prosperous countries in sub-Saharan Africa, with diamond and other mineral mining helping to drive the economy. Not wanting to rely solely on those industries for growth, Botswana is encouraging entrepreneurship in other sectors such as technology, green industry, and pharmaceutical research. To help support the country’s growth goals, the Botswana Innovation Hub will offer the most upto-date facilities for research and technology work. Because Botswana’s leaders felt the Hub needed an exceptional design to help attract attention and symbolize the country’s commitment to innovation, they decided to hold an international contest to choose the project architect competitively. “This is a significant investment for the people of Botswana,” says David Tsheboeng, executive director of property development for the Botswana Innovation Hub. “Our leaders wanted to see the best ideas from the world’s architects, but we were not just looking for a striking design. The selection criteria also included sustainability and the use of the latest architectural tools.” The Solution The contest entry from SHoP stood out for a number of reasons. Designed to blend in with its surroundings, the building model’s organic forms evoked dune and delta landscapes, which are culturally and environmentally important in Botswana. SHoP’s entry also included a number of sustainability options—such as a living roof and shaded courtyards—that harmonized well with the overall goals of the building. SHoP created 3D renderings of its design concepts to help communicate their design ideas using Autodesk® 3ds Max® Design software, which is part of the Autodesk® Building Design Suite Ultimate. Kevin Fennell, project manager for SHoP, explains, “It’s quite typical to include 3D renderings in proposals, of course. But 3ds Max Design made it easier to incorporate details of the surrounding areas into ours. Being able to visualize the design helped the client to see how lightly the design touched the ground and how organically it engages with the landscape.” “We were honored that Botswana’s leaders chose us to design the Botswana Innovation Hub,” says Sharples. “We relied on BIM and the software in the Building Design Suite to help us model our ideas. Autodesk® Revit® software was our primary design tool. It helped us explore ideas and engage with the design team—and the architectural community in Botswana—in ways that advanced the vision of the project.” Sharing the Benefits of BIM Early in the project, SHoP hosted a meeting with client representatives in New York, and showed them some Revit models with various options. By reviewing the model in 3D, the client was able to see the intent of the design more clearly and provide feedback more quickly. The clients were able to better visualize not just how the building would look, but also how the design team from SHoP envisioned many of the materials coming together. “Our clients were clear from the beginning that they wanted us to use the latest design tools, but they did not have much firsthand experience with BIM,” says Fennell. “After seeing what BIM can do, our clients suggested we introduce BIM to architects in Botswana. When it came time to select a local architect to help with the detailed design, we got them started with BIM with Revit. We also demonstrated our BIM-based workflow at a meeting of Botswana’s architects’ association.” Fast Changes—More Insight Several team members from SHoP went to Africa to meet with the local structural engineer, who was using Autodesk® Revit® Structure software, on the project. During the meeting, the structural engineers suggested some spacing changes in the parking structure that they believed could reduce the amount of structural steel required. “Looking at the structural model, we saw that their changes would work, and at the end of the day in Africa, we asked our New York office to apply the changes to our Revit model,” reports Steven Garcia, Revit model manager for SHoP. “You can modify a model-based design very quickly. The changes were ready when we met with the client the next morning. We even knew that the changes could reduce the structural cost by as much as 5 percent.” Designing for Sustainability The midday sun in Botswana is brutal, and shade provides a welcome respite—even for buildings. SHoP designed the Botswana Innovation Hub with ample overhangs to help shade the building’s many windows. While designing in Autodesk Revit, the team was able to conduct preliminary shading studies as they designed. They then used Autodesk® Ecotect® Analysis software to perform additional analyses, exploring how the shading and building mass affected thermal load. “Shading is one of the most important sustainability features a building can have,” says Fennell. “Being able to design for sustainability before bringing in a sustainability consultant saves tremendous time. We understood more clearly how the overhangs would perform early in the process. Now, we are using Revit to help us understand the best materials to use for the panels.” The Result As the Botswana Innovation Hub project advances towards the construction phase, Sharples reflects on the role BIM played on the project—and will continue to play. He says, “SHoP has always embraced 3D design, and BIM takes 3D to the next level. On the Hub, BIM is helping everyone on the project understand the design and contribute more easily.” The clients in Botswana also recognize the contribution made by Autodesk BIM solutions. “We appreciate the visualizations SHoP is providing on the project,” says Tsheboeng. “Being able to share 3D models of the building with leaders in Botswana has helped keep enthusiasm high for the project. However, the value is not just about seeing what the building may look like. We are impressed by how much intelligence about the project SHoP can glean from the models. For instance, they can tell us how design choices might affect the amount of materials required to complete the project. So, we know more, sooner, about how choices may impact the final result.”
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NLMK-Engineering logo
О проекте:
Группа НЛМК - вертикально-интегрированная металлургическая компания, крупнейший в России и один из самых эффективных в мире производителей стальной продукции.
АО «НЛМК-Инжиниринг» - генеральный проектировщик НЛМК. Компания насчитывает более 500 сотрудников, включена в перечень 100 крупнейших российских компаний, занимающихся деятельностью в области архитектуры, инженерно-технического проектирования, промышленности и строительстве.
В 201б году НЛМК-Инжиниринг приступил к внедрению технологии BIM-проектирования, которая объединяет классическую информацию, такую как чертежи и 3D-модели, с системой поиска коллизий и построения 4D и 5D-моделей благодаря возможности включения календарного графика выполнения строительно-монтажных работ и расчета смет на базе данных модели. Партнером по внедрению стала компания ПСС ГРАЙТЕК.
Цели внедрения:
  • Определение стоимости объекта на этапе предпроектной проработки, проектирования;
  • Ускорение внесения изменений в документацию;
  • Сокращение количества ошибок за счёт применения единой BIM-модели;
  • Повышение производительности труда проектировщиков;
  • Повышение управляемости и сохранение интеллектуальной собственности Компании.
  • НЛМК-Инжиниринг Реконструкция турбогенератора №5 График СМР

Пилотный проект:
С применением новой технологии BIM был выполнен проект реконструкция турбогенератора №5 на теплоэлектроцентрали основной производственной площадки Группы НЛМК в Липецке.
Участники пилотного проекта:
  • 3 компании (НЛМК-Инжиниринг + подрядчики);
  • 25 специалистов НЛМК-Инжиниринг, 10 от подрядчиков;
  • ПСС как консультант проекта внедрения.
В рамках проекта компания ПСС осуществила работы:
  • Организация среды общих данных на базе системы Autodesk Vault;
  • Внедрение 5D (Проектная информация+Поиск коллизий+Сметы+График СМР)
  • Интеграция с ИСУП;
  • Интеграция с SAP ERP;
  • Разработка регламентов, методологии работы, инструкций пользователей;
  • Разработка шаблонов, скриптов, модулей интеграции;
  • Создание классификатора оборудования, семейств и материалов;
  • Разработка типовых библиотек Inventor и семейств Revit;
  • Обучение 120 пользователей;
  • Сопровождение пилотного проекта;
  • Разработка 120 комплектов РД, 82 файла Revit.
Проведена опытная эксплуатация по использованию технологии на действующих проектах Заказчика; Отработан механизм формирования проектной модели (РД), которая является основой для проектной и сметной информации (КМ, КЖ, ВК, ТС, ПТ, ТС, ЭО, ОПС, СС, АК); Инициирован проект по разработке укрупнённых расценок для ускорения расчёта стоимости строительства объектов ПАО «НЛМК». НЛМК-Инжиниринг выражает благодарность компании ПСС ГРАЙТЕК, высокая квалификация и опыт специалистов которой позволили разработать и успешно внедрить технологию информационного моделирования сложных промышленных объектов и обеспечить необходимые интерфейсы для её взаимосвязи с системой управления проектами - И.Байков,Руководитель направления развития АО «НЛМК-Инжиниринг»
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ABRIS logo
ProjectCom logo
О компании ТОО «Абрис» – одна из динамично развивающихся проектно-изыскательских компаний Павлодарской области (Казахстан). Штат основанной в 1992 году компании невелик, но состоит из высококвалифицированных специалистов, способных выполнять различные виды проектных работ. Предприятие занимается проектированием объектов градостроительства, жилищного, гражданского и промышленного строительства. Задача Своей целью специалисты предприятия ставят создание интересных проектов с учетом современных требований архитектуры и градостроительства, соблюдением нормативных требований государственных органов и использованием новейших достижений науки и техники. Особенно большая работа проводится при выполнении государственных программ – реконструкции театров, культурных центров, детских садов, школ и высших учебных заведений. Для расширения возможностей архитекторов при разработке проектов интерьеров жилых, общественных, производственных помещений, а также элементов ландшафтного дизайна, потребовалось внедрение программного обеспечения Revit Architecture. Решение Внедрение Revit Architecture Suite было успешно проведено специалистами авторизованного партнера Autodesk – компании ProjectCom. Первоначально архитекторы работали в ArchiCAD и AutoCAD. Переход на Revit был облегчен проведением учебных курсов по подготовке специалистов в официальном учебном центре Autodesk. В процессе обучения специалисты ТОО «Абрис» научились применять функционал продукта в полном объеме. По окончании курса работа над проектами была полностью переведена на платформу Revit. Полностью освоиться с ней и решить все вопросы, возникшие в процессе работы, помогло дальнейшее сотрудничество с компанией ProjectCom. Архитекторы компании оценили множество преимуществ Revit Architecture Suite, среди которых:
  • Возможность создавать любые сложные формы, например, для работы над логотипами, рекламными элементами, изменением формы и положения стен, различными витринами.
  • Возможность редактировать и создавать новые материалы, что широко используется при проектировании дизайна помещений и ландшафта.
  • Совместимость с другим программным обеспечением Autodesk. Позволяет легко переводить чертежи в формат AutoCAD и Autodesk 3ds Max, что способствует упрощению взаимодействия с партнерами и смежниками.
  • Возможность изменять и расширять библиотеки материалов, компонентов для дизайна интерьеров.
  • Функционал проектирования лестниц, который позволяет гибко изменять практически все параметры: форму, длину, высоту, количество пролетов, количество ступенек и т.д.
Результат Использование Revit Architecture Suite в процессе реализации проектов позволило компании «Абрис» повысить эффективность работы, сократить время на разработку проектов любой сложности, повысить их качество. С помощью этого продукта было выполнено уже множество проектов, как относительно небольших, так и весьма масштабных. Одним из таких проектов стала разработка архитектурных чертежей и генерального плана застройки Яхт-клуба по ул. К. Маркса, 330 в Павлодаре. В составе проекта здание самого яхт-клуба и примыкающих к нему ангаров для хранения яхт, которые представляют в плане прямоугольную форму с размером в осях 9,0 х 43,0 м и высотой этажа 5,4 м. В клубе расположены кафе на 75 мест, гостиница на 18 мест, административные и служебные помещения. При проектировании Яхт-клуба широко использовались формообразующие для создания нестандартных стен и витрин. AutoCAD Revit Architecture Suite также широко использовался при выполнении капитального ремонта нескольких отделений «Народного банка Казахстана», расположенных на первых этажах жилых домов. Полная перепланировка помещений была выполнена без нарушения несущей способности конструкций домов с учетом всех современных требований для банковских отделений. «Создание архитектурных проектов в AutoCAD Revit Architecture Suite осуществляется легче, чем в аналогичных программах, не возникает затруднений с функциональными возможностями. Очень легко создаются сложные нестандартные элементы. Очень широкая область применения: от проектирования архитектурных сооружений до формирования дизайна и отдельных элементов мебели. Можно удовлетворить любые желания заказчика объекта. Проекты различной сложности создаются гораздо быстрее и качественней, что позволяет вывести нашу организацию на более высокий уровень и улучшить отношение клиентов», - Татьяна Санко, архитектор ТОО «Абрис»
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ООО «Проектное бюро — ГС» входит в компанию «Главстрой СПб», которая является одном из крупнейших девелоперов Санкт-Петербурга и занимает лидирующее место среди строительных компаний северной столицы по объемам ввода жилья в эксплуатацию. 
«Главстрой СПб» имеет большой опыт реализации сложных строительных проектов и комплексного развития городских территорий с использованием современных технологий.
Для совершенствования процессов разработки проектно-сметной документации  было решено внедрить информационное моделирование зданий в рабочие процессы компании.
Благодаря сотрудничеству с компанией ПСС нам удалось внедрить в практику технологию BIM на основе параметрической интерактивной ЗD модели объекта, которая включает следующие основные процессы:
  • создание BIM моделей объектов в среде Autodesk Revit
  • проверка качества BIM модели с помощыо программы Solibri Model Checker
  • извлечение из модели объемов материалов для сметно-ресурсных расчетов, площадей и объемов помещений и др. данные.
Специалисты ПСС провели:
  • настройку программных комплексов для создания информационной модели объектов строительства и наполнение баз данных, а также процедур и схем взаимодействия участников проекта;
  • организацию обучения пользователей системы BIM в соответствии с их ролями в общем процессе;
  • разработку Регламента информационного моделирования объектов предприятия, инструкций различных участников BIM-проектирования. Создан набор типовых правил для автоматизированной проверки BIM-моделей, отработана технология извлечения объемов для подсчета стоимости;
  • консультирование уже на этапе выполнения реального проекта по запросам проектировщиков-пользователей BIM.
Успешный переход на информационное моделирование зданий и жилых комплексов — существенное достижение нашей компании, которое существенно повышает эффективность работы над проектом. ООО «Проектное бюро — ГС» выражает благодарность компании ПСС за высококвалифицированную консалтинговую поддержку и намерено продолжать сотрудничество по совершенствованию систем информационного моделирования зданий и рабочих процессов компании". Е.В.Макаров, Главный конструктор ООО «Проектное бюро-ГС»
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Project summary A striking new addition to the Shanghai skyline is currently rising in the heart of the city’s financial district. The super high-rise Shanghai Tower will soon stand as the world’s second tallest building, and adjacent to two other iconic structures, the Jin Mao Tower and the Shanghai World Financial Center. The 121-story transparent glass tower will twist and taper as it rises, conveying a unique feeling of movement and growth, while reflecting the reemergence of Shanghai’s economic andcultural influences amid the rise of an increasingly modern China. The massive mixed-use facility will include commercial and retail space; entertainment and cultural venues; a conference center; a luxury hotel; and public gardens, all evoking the sense of a self-contained city within Shanghai. Once complete, the 632-meter Shanghai Tower will be the largest skyscraper in China as well as one of the most sustainable. The towering skyscraper comprises nine cylindrical buildings stacked on top of one another, all enclosed by a circular inner curtain wall and a triangular facade enveloping the entire structure. Each vertical neighborhood has its own atrium, featuring a public sky garden, together with cafes, restaurants, and retail space. The double-skinned facade creates a thermal buffer zone to minimize heat gain, and the spiraling nature of the outer facade maximizes daylighting and views while reducing wind loads and conserving construction materials. To save energy, the facility includes its own wind farm and geothermal system. In addition, rainwater recovery and gray water recycling systems reduce water usage. The owner and design team are targeting a LEED® Gold rating and a China 3 Star rating, ambitious goals for a project the size of the Shanghai Tower. The challenge The sheer size of the Shanghai Tower presents complex design and construction management challenges. “The Shanghai Tower is a massive project with over 575,000 square meters of building space,” says Jianping Gu, director and general manager for Shanghai Tower Construction & Development Co., Ltd., the tower’s owner/ developer. “We knew that if we tried to work in a traditional way, using traditional tools and delivery systems, it would be extremely difficult to carry out this project successfully.” Reducing building materials by 32 percent.
The project involves the collaboration of a global team, including: • Shanghai Tower Construction & Development— owner/developer • Gensler—design architect • Architectural Design and Research Institute of Tongji University—local design institute • Thornton Tomasetti—structural engineer • Cosentini Associates—MEP engineer • Shanghai Construction Group—general contractor • Shanghai Installation Engineering—mechanical and electrical general contractor • Shanghai Xiandai Engineering Consultants— design management consultant • Autodesk Consulting—BIM strategy, training, and implementation consultant “Because Shanghai Tower is such a complex building, it could not be represented accurately with typical software or design methods,” says Jiliang Chen, deputy chief architect and deputy director of the project operations department at the Architectural Design and Research Institute of Tongji University. “One of the most challenging issues is the coordination of the extended design team,” adds Yi Zhu, senior principal and general manager at Thornton Tomasetti. The solution To help meet the ambitious goals set for the building, the Shanghai Tower owner required the implementation of a Building Information Modeling (BIM) process using Autodesk BIM solutions for the design and construction of the Shanghai Tower. The project team relies on a combination of Autodesk® Revit® Architecture, Autodesk® Revit® Structure, and Autodesk® Revit® MEP software for the tower’s design and documentation. The team is also using Autodesk® Navisworks® Manage software for coordination and collaboration, Autodesk® Ecotect® Analysis software for sustainable design analysis, and traditional AutoCAD® software for drawing production. “From a property owner’s perspective, BIM provides an excellent tool for the design, construction, management, and investment control of the entire project,” says Gu. Transforming work processes Early on, the owner engaged Autodesk Consulting to provide BIM strategy and implementation consulting services, as well as application training. Autodesk Consulting began its effort by helping the owner develop a BIM strategy and deployment plan for the project, and retooling design and construction workflows to support BIM-based processes. The team created detailed plans for project collaboration and document management, as well as defining the BIM deliverables for the entire project lifecycle. Autodesk Consulting also helped the owner implement an on-site BIM application environment for a local project team of over 50 members, including owner personnel and key project participants from the extended global project team. In addition, Autodesk Consulting provided software training and ongoing technical and BIM coaching support. “By combining Autodesk’s BIM technology and the deep expertise of Autodesk Consulting, we have been able to successfully transition to BIM much faster. As a result, this project has set new standards for the information management of construction projects in China,” says Gu. Integrating the design The extended architectural and structural teams—with designers in offices around the world—shared their design models, enabling them to collaborate and contribute insights about the design in the context of the project. In the construction phase, the local project team, working from temporary offices near the construction site, routinely shared its models for project coordination and collaboration. This communication of design data resulted in a natural coordination of the project as it unfolded. In addition, the team used both Revit and Navisworks Manage software for formal clash detection. “We used Revit Architecture software to design and model the tower and then shared those models with our mechanical, electrical, and structural consultants,” explains Michael Peng, associate senior designer at Gensler. “Autodesk Revit provided a common platform for our design partners, giving the team a more accurate representation and deeper understanding of the project,” adds Jun Xia, principal and regional design director at Gensler. “BIM accelerated our whole design process, enabling our engineers to access design data and geometric sizes directly from the building models, and to use thatinformation for calculation and analysis,” says Zhu.
Improving design communication The tower’s iconic twisting shape and dualskinned facade were extremely difficult to convey using traditional 2D approaches, making modelbased design vital for the project’s success. “BIM helped us visualize the tower in 3D and analyze the design for improved decision making,” says Xia. “For example, we used the Revit design model with the reflection analysis features of Ecotect software to analyze the glare from the tower throughout the city. This helped the design team optimize the outer curtain wall—even down to the position and angle of individual pieces of glass—to minimizelight pollution.” “During design, BIM was indispensable for coordinating the major design disciplines and producing construction documentation,” reports Chen. Model-based visualizations will also aid in the construction process. “By visualizing a 3D virtual building, we can better monitor construction and gauge our progress against the schedule,” says Xiaoming Yu, deputy chief engineer and design supervision department manager for Shanghai Installation Engineering. “In fact, we require BIM deliverables from all the subcontractors and equipment suppliers. And during construction, it will be much easier for the workers to understand construction drawings that contain a combination of traditional views such as plans and sections, as well as 3D views and visualizations of complicated areas.” Enhancing coordination The project team used the Revit platform for early coordination of the major design disciplines. In the construction phase, the team is combining the Revit design models and the fabrication models in Navisworks for whole project coordination. “As construction proceeds, BIM is helping us coordinate the subcontractors’ fabrication models, leading to a better quality design and the avoidance of rework costs,” says Chen. “For example, the tower’s basement has already been built, and comprises five stories and 170,000 square meters of space,” says Gu. “During design development, we found only seven clashes. During construction, there were no clashes at all. It would be very difficult if not impossible to get results like that without BIM.” Conserving more energy A central and attractive feature of the tower’s design is its transparent skin, which creates ventilated atriums that naturally conserve energy by moderating the atrium’s air temperature. “Green building and sustainable design were a common goal for the designers, as well as the property owner,” says Xia. “Model-based design was essential, as many aspects of our performance-based design were realized through simulations and analyses,” adds Peng. For example, during the design phase the project team used the Revit Architecture model for whole-building energy analysis, giving the designers quantitative feedback on building energy performance. “We shared this information with our owners and consultants to better inform our design decisions and trade-offs,” says Peng. Saving building materials The building shape itself will produce the largest energy savings in the form of an efficient, costeffective structural frame. “Using Revit Structure, we produced more than 20 design options before settling on a structural system of super-columns, with outrigger trusses supported by an inner concrete tower,” says Zhu. The team kept iterating the design, including the rotation angle of the building’s cam-shaped outer skin, to analyze the structure’s resistance to wind and seismic loads. The result was well worth the effort. Gensler estimates that the building uses 32 percent less material than a conventional tower—saving material costs as well as the energy required to manufacture more steel and concrete. Extending the value of BIM for building lifecycle management. Improving construction efficiency Both the tower’s owner and its construction partners are requiring BIM models from all the project’s subcontractors to aid in construction coordination, planning, and digital fabrication. As an additional service, Autodesk Consulting also developed BIM submittal requirements for the owne —including the level of model detail required for coordination and construction planning—which were incorporated into requests for proposals for the Shanghai Tower. “By repurposing the design team’s digital building models for fabrication, and in turn using the subcontractors’ fabrication models for coordination, we are improving construction efficiency and reducing on-site rework and materials waste,” says Yu. “All the materials we use on-site are semifinished and ready for installation. The fabrication has already been done in the factories, which greatly improves our efficiency.”
Extending BIM to lifecycle management Even after construction is complete, BIM will still play a vital role for the Shanghai Tower. Shanghai Tower Construction & Development plans on using BIM for the facility’s ongoing operations and maintenance, as well as for emergency and property management. At the onset of its engagement, Autodesk Consulting created plans that detailed the as-built information and models that the owner will require for the tower’s lifecycle management. “We plan to extend the value of BIM to help our facility management staff plan efficiently and manage the building scientifically,” reports Gu. The result With approximately 48 floors of the building’s core completed in 2011, the Shanghai Tower is on schedule for occupancy in 2014. “BIM helped our team produce a high-quality project and avoid many on-site changes, which would waste time, materials, and manpower,” says Gu. “Autodesk BIM solutions enable the different design disciplines to work together in a seamless fashion on a single information platform—boosting work efficiency, reducing errors, and improving both project and building performance.”
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